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Character & RPG Submission Rules

For characters, I need a name and as much information on him/her/it/bob as you can give - measurements, hometown, strengths, weaknesses, anything. A bio is also required, but you don't have to worry about writing a novel on the character or anything like that, just tell us about it. Also, take care to balance your character out and to not overpower it - keep in mind that what gets approved here is what it is. If s/he gains some inexplicable power out of the blue in an RPG, I will pull the plug. Of course, before you go on and ask for a licenced character (from a game, anime, TV show, etc) look in the character list to ensure that s/he's not already taken.

Loosely follow this template, though a variation here or there won't bug me. Blobs of text make me grumpy though:

Name: Well, duh!

Original: Is this your own character or one from an existing game/show/etc.? If yes...

Origin: What the liscensed character is from

Strengths: What's s/he good at.

Weaknesses: What s/he's weak to and not so good at.

Bio: Just tell a little bit about the character.

Balance is the key. Even if your character sucks beyond belief, if it's nicely balanced with strengths and weaknesses, I'll probably let it go. Granted, I will probably punch a hole in the wall whilst doing so, but meh.

On the other hand, if you have a well written character who's horribly unbalanced, then probably not. Also keep in mind that every character used in any RPG here is mortal - no demi-gods or resurrection happy people here. As such, "being mortal" does not count as a weakness, and neither does a personality trait like "He's a jerk" or "He's a loner." The only way it can be counted is if it's such a huge problem that it totally affects the character's behavior and actions in the RPG itself.

For example, if a person's loner attitude is truly such a problem that it can be listed as a weakness, then that person should, realistically, never even remotely interact with any other being in the story, which as you might imagine is counter-productive to the spirit of RP-ing. So keep this sort of thing in mind before you stamp your feet and demand that's it's a legitimate weakness.


When you submit your RPG, give us a short description of the RPG, whether or not it's original, what kind of time period it's from. etc. Basically, just.... describe it. I won't be picky anymore unless it's just dreadfully bad and full of cruddy grammar, but it would behoove people to put effort into this if they want it approved. Anyway, rules?


1. You may submit multiple RPG's, but you may only have one (1) running at any time with another one (1) in reserve. Feel free to be involved in as many as you like, but you may only be the founder of one at any given time.

2. Be patient Don't pester the mods if it takes more then a day to get an RPG looked at.

3. Do not post in an unapproved submission thread I won't kill you anymore for doing so, but it clutters things up too much.

4. Do not spam. I'm letting a lot of things go now, but spamming will remain a death wish in here. What is spam?

- Off-topic threads/posts. If it's not a submission, it's off-topic. Period.

- Advertisements

- Flaming

- Randomness

- Threads relating to actual Role Playing Games - those belong in Gaming

- Generally anything else within a moderator's discretion.
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